Building a Curved Retaining Wall

Retaining walls are an essential feature of a well-designed garden. They provide structure, define spaces, and can create charming ‘secret’ spots in a truly beautiful outdoor area. But building a curved retaining wall might seem like a daunting task. With proper planning and execution, however, it’s completely achievable. Follow these expert steps from Nepean Landscape Supplies to create your own curved retaining wall.

The first and most crucial step is planning. Start by checking with your local council to ensure your project complies with any relevant regulations. If your project involves significant earthworks or changes to the landscape, consult an engineer for professional guidance.

An accurate and well-thought-out design is critical. Begin by sketching your wall, noting the dimensions and materials required. Remember, the wall must be strong enough to hold back the earth, especially when it’s saturated with water. To achieve this:

  • Plan to backfill with porous drainage material like gravel or sand.
  • Consider adding drainpipes to reduce pressure on the wall.
  • Take the ‘coning effect’ into account. Curved walls naturally have a greater setback, so the radius at the base might need to be larger than at the top.

A detailed design will help you calculate the materials needed, avoiding unnecessary delays during construction.

Once your design is ready, it’s time to mark the curve. Unlike straight walls, curved walls require more precise planning:

  1. Identify the starting point of your curve.
  2. Measure straight back from the wall’s starting point to find the center of the curve.
  3. Drive a stake into the ground at this center point and attach a string equal to the radius of your curve.
  4. Rotate the string to mark the curve on the ground. You only need to mark the section designated for your wall.

While curved retaining walls can be built from various materials, we recommend using concrete blocks or retaining wall blocks. These are durable, easy to work with, and designed for structural integrity. Concrete blocks naturally angle back, improving stability.

Ensure you order all materials ahead of time. At Nepean Landscape Supplies, we offer same-day delivery for many products—so you can focus on building without delays.

Now it’s time to bring your wall to life. Follow these steps for a sturdy and attractive curved retaining wall:

  1. Level the Ground Clear the area of rocks, vegetation, and excess soil. Level the ground where you’ll lay the first row of blocks. In some cases, this might involve creating a shallow trench.
  2. Lay a Porous Base Spread a 5cm layer of gravel or sand over the leveled area and smooth it out with a piece of timber. For walls higher than four blocks, compact the base with a hand tamper for added stability.
  3. Set the First Course Start at the center of your curve and work outward. Place the first block firmly on the base, ensuring it’s level front to back and side to side. Continue laying blocks along the curve, aligning and leveling each one as you go. Proper alignment is crucial to avoid issues with the upper layers.
  4. Add Remaining Courses Build subsequent rows using a running bond pattern, offsetting the seams by half a block. This pattern provides extra strength and stability. Use half-width blocks to finish the ends of each row. Continuously check that each course is level as you build.
  5. Backfill the Wall Once your wall reaches the desired height, backfill the space behind it with gravel or sand. Add material slowly and compact it as you go to ensure stability. You can top off the backfill with topsoil for planting grass or other greenery.

Congratulations! You’ve built a stunning curved retaining wall. This new feature will enhance your garden’s functionality and aesthetic appeal, and it’s a perfect foundation for additional landscaping projects. Whether you’re creating garden paths, a DIY fire pit, or laying new turf, Nepean Landscape Supplies has the products and advice you need to make your dream garden a reality.

For more tips, tricks, and product guides, visit our blog or get in touch with our team today.

Let’s build something amazing together!